YOU can make a difference.
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization so your contributions are tax deductible. If you need a tax-deductible donation receipt, contact us.
If you have the ability to make a small contribution, it would make a huge difference! We can instantly make more disabled voices heard, we can instantly help our clients improve their skills and their job prospects, and we can instantly fill a need that has always been there and needs more attention.
When you donate, you show us that you believe in our message that disability IS diversity, and we count. You'll remind people that we're not alone in this mission, that there's a community of people who care. |
Donate with your debit or credit card!
Scan your preferred method of payment with the corresponding app. Or you can manually look us up at:
@heyWHTV or [email protected]
Shop on Amazon Smile!Please think of us next time you go to make an Amazon purchase. Right now if you go to Amazon Smile and select our organization while you shop, 0.5% of your purchases will be donated to us at no extra cost to you! It's easy to support Warehouse TV while you shop! Click the link below!
Click Here to go to Amazon Smile